Geocaching for an Adventure Without an Occasion
With the weather finally improving, this activity may motivate you to finally touch some grass.
Have you really been everywhere in Groningen? Perhaps you would like to try, but don’t know where to begin?
Geocaching is the world’s largest treasure hunting community, that offers an adventure-like experience all the time, all around the world. This means right here in Groningen as well.
How does it work? All you need is a phone (and preferably mobile data, but you can forgo that if you want a real challenge) and the Geocaching free app. The GPS will help you track hidden containers called Geocaches that other players have hidden out there in the wild. With over 100 locations noted on the Groningen map and even more limited to only descriptions, you could spend many weekends trying to check them all off your list.
What is inside a Geocache? Anything and everything, it’s up to you to find out! Every container should have a logbook – a notebook where you can sign your name and perhaps leave a small note for future people to read. You are also welcome to take one of the trinkets that catch your interest, but please leave something of your own that is of equal value to what you pocketed. After that, all that is left is to hide the capsule the same way you found it and go on to find more!
Geocaches can come in any shape or form – a bottle, a box or even a planter with a disguised lid. Some are easier to find, and some you might have to dig around for. That’s what makes it feel like a real treasure hunt, and you get the chance to interact with the community through the logbook and gifts as part of the experience.
The best part is that Geocaching is a worldwide adventure. Once you are done with Groningen, you can move on to provinces and then other large cities like Amsterdam, Utrecht, Rotterdam, etc. And why stop there, try a weekend trip to bordering countries like Germany and Belgium. With Geocaching active in 190 countries, the world is your treasure trove. You can also connect with other players through their app or their socials.